Refresher staff training workshop with resources

Duration and Location
Duration: 120 mins
Location: School Hall with
Sound and Tech

Refresher training ensures that correct, accurate teaching remains uppermost.
The workshop explores opportunities to think about practical ways to embed the skills by 'reaching' within the curriculum



Every staff member will leave the workshop having been reminded of the overall programme, have the opportunity to discuss and iron out any creases and revisit the 4 tools to ensure accurate modelling.

Workshop Overview
Content: Review the whole programme allowing teachers view their new class programme in context.
Objective: Each teacher will work on ways to embed the programme across the curriculum and through school life.
Format: Interactive, creative, vibrant and empowering.​
Content: Update on resource location, access, purpose and use.
Objective: Ensure best practice in using all resources.
Format: Informative ​
Content: Ready Speech; Responsive Speech.
Objective: Teachers will become familiar with the language around embedding:
Format: Informative
Public Speaking Tools:
Content; Refresh Public Speaking techniques for the teachers
Objective: Strengthen each teachers ability to use their own public speaking tools and to equip them with ways to use these when presenting to parents.
Format: Interactive

Take away and follow up
Teacher support:
Teachers have access to the trainer while running their programme with their class.
Embedding Template:
Available to all teachers
Showcase Participation:
Every teacher can enter any class member(s) into the showcase. Professional encouraging external feedback from an expert panel of judges will give feedback on every entry.
Impact evaluation:
Head Teachers can request a short evaluation document based on
1 - Teacher report following the programme delivery
2 - End-of-year report on how teachers applied the public speaking programme across all subjects and school life
3 - Pupil Voice